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SpringHill Suites Marriott, Buffalo/Williamsville (R)
6647 Transit Road
Buffalo, NY 14221
Check in 3:00 PM Check out 11:00 AM
- Breakfast :
- Breakfast: Complimentary Hot Breakfast
- Parking
- Parking: Complimentary
- Business
- Business Service: Copy
Business - Business Service: Fax Machine
- Business Service: Meeting Room
- Business Service: Network/Internet Printing
- Business Service: Copy
- Hotel Amenities
- Internet: Complimentary wireless in room
- Internet: Complimentary wireless in room
- Hotel Services
- Airport Shuttle: Complimentary
specific hours may apply - Housekeeping Service: Daily
- Internet: Complimentary wired in room
Complimentary Wired & High Speed Internet Service in room - Internet: Complimentary Wireless-Throughout hotel
- Laundry Service: Valet
- Laundry: Dry Cleaning
- Airport Shuttle: Complimentary
- Other
- Fitness Center
- Laundry: Coin-Op Facility on Premises
Coin-Op Laundry Facility on Premises - Microwave
- Pool: Indoor
Indoor Pool - Refrigerator
- Fitness Center
- In Room Amenities
- Coffee/Tea Maker in Room
- Hair Dryer
- Ironing Board and Iron
- Phone: Voicemail
- Radio: AM/FM w/ Alarm Clock
- TV: HD Flat Screen
- Coffee/Tea Maker in Room
Ungrouped Amenities
Teams Cancellations: Teams must cancel prior to the cutoff and many not cancel more than 50% of reservations after the cutoff, to avoid penalty. Individual Cancellation: Individuals must cancel 72 hours prior to original reservation arrival to avoid penalty of first night room rate plus tax for each room booked
Room | Rate | Available |
Single King with pullout |
$169.00 | 13 |
2 queen size beds with 1 pullout |
$169.00 | Not Available |
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