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SpringHill Suites Marriott, Buffalo/Williamsville (R)
6647 Transit Road
Buffalo, NY 14221
Check in 3:00 PM Check out 11:00 AM
- Breakfast :
- Breakfast: Complimentary Hot Breakfast
- Parking
- Parking: Complimentary
- Business
- Business Service: Copy
Business - Business Service: Fax Machine
- Business Service: Meeting Room
- Business Service: Network/Internet Printing
- Business Service: Copy
- Hotel Amenities
- Internet: Complimentary wireless in room
- Internet: Complimentary wireless in room
- Hotel Services
- Airport Shuttle: Complimentary
specific hours may apply - Housekeeping Service: Daily
- Internet: Complimentary wired in room
Complimentary Wired & High Speed Internet Service in room - Internet: Complimentary Wireless-Throughout hotel
- Laundry Service: Valet
- Laundry: Dry Cleaning
- Airport Shuttle: Complimentary
- Other
- Fitness Center
- Laundry: Coin-Op Facility on Premises
Coin-Op Laundry Facility on Premises - Microwave
- Pool: Indoor
Indoor Pool - Refrigerator
- Fitness Center
- In Room Amenities
- Coffee/Tea Maker in Room
- Hair Dryer
- Ironing Board and Iron
- Phone: Voicemail
- Radio: AM/FM w/ Alarm Clock
- TV: HD Flat Screen
- Coffee/Tea Maker in Room
Ungrouped Amenities
Individuals must cancel 72 hours prior to original reservation arrival to avoid penalty of first night room rate plus tax for each room booked.
Room | Rate | Available |
Single King with pullout |
$199.00 | 10 |
2 queen size beds with 1 pullout |
$199.00 | 25 |
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